I was wrong.
The theme this year was Equity. While the moderator of the opening symposium focused on this topic - Dr Michael Sawyer - was right to say "equity is a way of life, not a theme at a film festival," I found myself in an interesting spot amongst my Mountainfilm friends (family really, but I digress). At first I was explaining the concept of equity compared to equality...essentially verbally stumbling through a description of this diagram that reveals equality as just giving everyone the same regardless of need, compared to equity which gives according to the need:

I thought I would keep Mountainfilm to myself, and jealously guard it as a treasure that I get to experience every year among the stunning peaks of Telluride. I believed despite the evidence of very few clicks on this site that by not posting about it...that maybe some others wouldn't hear about it and they wouldn't come. But here's how the equity theme challenged me: it told me I was wrong. That wealth is - yes - my privilege as a white person and my economic income that affords me the chance to get to Telluride and vacation there for the weekend, but it's also the wealth of ideas. That through Mountainfilm I gain immeasurable knowledge and have a responsibility to share that bounty with others. That by benefiting from these stunning films on difficult topics, I should leave and continue this conversation in any and every way possible to honor their beauty and creation.
So I am committing to sharing individual posts on each one of the films as my contribution and my commitment to not be an elitist prick about it. Being elitist was never a good fit for me anyhow. ;)
I pray to be used, to be of use, to be used up for good. Like that quote by George Bernard Shaw "I want to be thoroughly used up when I die." I pray for this every day.
-paraphrased from Oprah Winfrey @Mountainfilm 2019
I'm excited to share this journey with you here, and especially to hear your comments and reflections on the documentaries and this experience. I have come down from the mountaintop both literally and figuratively.
Shall we? Let's go!