The idea of growing proteins in a petri dish is actually not that special or hard scientifically. Making the proteins grow into the textures we are used to eating is the hard part that's currently getting worked on. We live in a world where biotechnology is actually pushing towards growing replacement organs out of your own tissue/DNA. And it's significantly, INFINITELY, easier to get edible animal muscle proteins than getting ones your DNA won't reject. So from that standpoint, this is really a "duh/of course we will" new idea.
So what a fascinating, next-level pursuit Datar is taking with the non-profit New Harvest. Trying to advocate and support funding and businesses in this new economy and most importantly, change consumer perception. Because yes, the hardest piece of the puzzle will be getting you to feel comfortable ordering and eating these new meats.
And if you think this is too far in the future, it's not. The future is here! Already! Beyond Meat - the most amazing plant-based meat alternative company from (holla!) El Segundo - is now in Walmart stores nationwide.
Peoples, this is a trend that's here to stay, and as an enviro(ish) environmentalist...I'm SUPER excited at the idea of getting to still have my meat and eat it too!