Apple. Is. (Maybe). Making. An. Electric. Vehicle. [APPLAUSE]
If the rumors are true, let the heavens rejoice...and by heavens, I mean all of us on planet Earth. Guys, everything Apple touches is the best possible design and turns to sold. For good reason. If they truly are taking on making an will be a vehicle that massively moves the consumer needle. And I know this because I want one right now. As I previously went enviro(ish) in depth on, EVs are good for the planet and convenient in so many ways. This is great news. YAY!
enviro(ish) wrote about these nasty plastics that we were putting on our face (and sometimes in our mouth...yuck!) Turns out 5 Gyres has already moved the needle on this issue as covered in FastCo. Congrats!
"But what’s surprising many is that companies aren’t actually fighting against taking action. Approached by environmental groups including 5 Gyres in the last three years, many major manufacturers, including L’Oreal, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, and Colgate-Palmolive, quickly agreed to remove microbeads from their products within the next few years. For example, a Johnson & Johnson spokesperson told Co.Exist that it will complete the first phase of product reformulations by the end of next year and a complete phase-out of all plastic microbeads by the end of 2017."
Photo courtesy of gizmodo